我是Pickle Piccolo,中文是酸黄瓜比克,这是音译+意译,起这个名字纯粹是因为意外,你也可以译作酸黄瓜短笛或者泡菜短笛,我选用音译+意译是因为当年我看的《七龙珠》(应该是中国少儿出版社出版)对“比克大魔王”这个角色的翻译是比克。
Hello! Welcome to my personal blog.
I'm Pickle Piccolo. I chose this name, for the reason that I am a fan of Dragon Ball.
The reason for building a personal blog is that I personally do not want to have too much involvement with any mainstream social media at home and abroad, and I think it is not appropriate to publicly expose personal privacy on mainstream social media. It is clear that I am a supporter of the decentralized strategy on the Internet. So I built a personal blog, you can get to know me through this blog. However, I think my position is still a considerable distance from anarchism. It must be stated that I cannot agree with the adoption of a decentralized strategy in reality. In the current historical period, it may do more harm than good.
As you can see, I don't have any background in IT or CS-related subjects. On the contrary, I studied humanities in college. I built this personal blog entirely out of my own interest, so the content may not be as professional.
版权属于:Pickle Piccolo